Produced by Jeff Miles
Recorded by Michael Perez-Cisneros March 2014
Mixed by Matt LaPoint
Mastered by Scott Hull
Edited by Joshua Kwassman
Artwork by Jaime Zuverza
Additional Recording by Steve Brickman and Zach Lapidus
Vocal Arrangements by Steve Brickman and Jeff Miles
“The Overture” Arranged by Jeff Miles and Julian Shore
Jeff Miles\ Electric Guitar, Synth Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Synthesizers, Violin, Percussion, Vocals
Steve Brickman\ Synthesizers, Acoustic Piano, Percussion, Vocals
Kyle Wilson\ Tenor Saxophone
Curtis Macdonald\ Alto Saxophone
Julian Shore\ Acoustic Piano
Zach Lapidus\ Synthesizers
Ben Monder\ Guitar (Track 7, 9)
Danny Weller\ Acoustic Bass
Rodrigo Recabarren\ Drums (Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9)
Peter Kronreif\ Drums (Track 1, 5, 7, 8)
Rogerio Boccato\ Percussion
Alessandra Levy\ Vocals
This record is for my father Tom Miles, my mother Mary Miles, my brother Mike Miles, my sister Emily Miles, my grandmother Masayo Matlock and for our ever expanding family that reaches back to the origin and into eternity.